Leica M530 OHX unites the exclusive innovation FusionOptics technology combined with advanced optics and TriFluoro – three integrated fluorescence modes – enable you to focus on every critical detail. The fully ergonomic design helps you and your team to achieve comfortable working positions and avoid physical discomfort. The ideal microscope for procedures in Neurosurgery, Spine, Otolaryngology, and Plastic Reconstructive Visible blood flow: A combination of Leica Optics, Leica FL800 fluorescence system, FL400 oncological fluorescence and FL 560 Investigational Fluorescence observation filter module. CaptiView HD Image Injection. Enhanced safety: Illumination control for more light at safer levels. High-output 2×400 W redundant xenon arc-lamp systems via Fibre optic cables. Refined handling: Intraoperative balancing and ease of movement. A better image: High definition video for visualization, documentation, and teaching.