Simultaneous monitoring of EEG, EMG and Evoked Potentials etc
Both surgeon directed mode and neurophysiologist supported module.
32 channel EMG monitoring and should provide options for both 8 channel and 16 channel as well.
Can monitor free running EMG and EEG monitoring, Triggered EMG, Motor Evoked Potential, Somatosensory Evoked Potential (SSEP), Visual Evoked Potential (VEP) and Brainstem Auditory Evoked Response (BAER)
EMG Monitoring is continuous/free running as well as triggered EMG
provide the surgeon both audio and visual feedback
System have pedicle screw testing, nerve proximity tests and nerve root testing modes separately
System have Train Of Four (TOF) testing modalities
Both slow charge and fast charge MEP (with and without double train)
Both Electric High Levels and Electric Low Levels
Should offer upto 4 sites for MEP testing
Up to 1000 volts max for MEP testing
Up to 16 stimulator ports
Up to 32 channel EEG monitoring
EEG in CSA, DSA or CDSA formats
Capable of Electrocorticography
Mute detector probe to mute electrocautery interference
Able to import and display Vital signs from a wide range of monitors
Option to save Data manually or automatically as continuous EEG, free run EMG, triggered EMG, EMG audio, updated averaged EP, Screen snapshots and, Video
Can enable 2 channel pulse oximetry recording
Simultaneous, acquisition, processing, display, saving, reviewing and printing or faxing of data is possible.