Nerve Monitoring System

Nerve Monitoring System

NIM Eclipse2


NIM Eclipse

  • Simultaneous monitoring of EEG, EMG and Evoked Potentials etc
  • Both surgeon directed mode and neurophysiologist supported module.
  • 32 channel EMG monitoring and should provide options for both 8 channel and 16 channel as well.
  • Can monitor free running EMG and EEG monitoring, Triggered EMG, Motor Evoked Potential, Somatosensory Evoked Potential (SSEP), Visual Evoked Potential (VEP) and Brainstem Auditory Evoked Response (BAER)
  • EMG Monitoring is continuous/free running as well as triggered EMG
  • provide the surgeon both audio and visual feedback
  • System have pedicle screw testing, nerve proximity tests and nerve root testing modes separately
  • System have Train Of Four (TOF) testing modalities
  • Both slow charge and fast charge MEP (with and without double train)
  • Both Electric High Levels and Electric Low Levels
  • Should offer upto 4 sites for MEP testing
  • Up to 1000 volts max for MEP testing
  • Up to 16 stimulator ports
  • Up to 32 channel EEG monitoring
  • EEG in CSA, DSA or CDSA formats
  • Capable of Electrocorticography
  • Mute detector probe to mute electrocautery interference
  • Able to import and display Vital signs from a wide range of monitors
  • Option to save Data manually or automatically as continuous EEG, free run EMG, triggered EMG, EMG audio, updated averaged EP, Screen snapshots and, Video
  • Can enable 2 channel pulse oximetry recording
  •  Simultaneous, acquisition, processing, display, saving, reviewing and printing or faxing of data is possible.


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