The Leica DM750 M is an entry-level materials microscope for brightfield, oblique and polarized light. It was specifically designed to serve the needs of standard quality control and materials analysis in the QC-laboratory as well as the general educational needs in universities of applied sciences and technical colleges
The new Leica DM1750 M microscope was developed for routine use, even in difficult ambient conditions, and for imaging large samples. Built sturdy and solid, the Leica DM1750 M has excellent optics from Leica Microsystems and, with regard to the size of your samples, gives you plenty of room to maneuver. There is option of varying the power LED illumination angle and adjusting it to best view the sample.
The Leica DM2700 M is a perfectly tailored system, exactly configured to the requirements of your application. Through the extensive modularity, the Leica DM2700 M grows with your tasks, for example through the addition of a camera and documentation and analysis software. It’s ideal for all tasks in quality inspection and assurance, as well as in materials analysis and materials research and development